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#infoforcefeed /
Other Cults
Other cults we're into:
- merveilles: Fuck any color that isn't black
- Cat-V: Random Contrarian Insurgent Organization
- cock.li: Some kind of weird group of people centered around email hosting with shitty domain names.
- Suckless: Software that sucks less
- Feel Train: Reintroducing serendipity to the internet.
- LHS: LHS is a ragtag band of programmers from Lund, determined to create new things, useful and useless alike.
- #TEAMVASTMOUNTAIN: I don't even know. Possibly dead?
- #anidevtwitter: Quad's cult of anime-themed developers
- dyne.org: "Dyne.org Digital Community and Free Software Foundry." I think they're just discordian software developers.
- Cargo Collective: "Cargo is a personal publishing platform aimed at creating accessible tools and a networked context to enhance the exposure of talented individuals on the Internet."
- Project Sifter: "An international network of rational adventurers, creating, living, and sharing the good life."
- 2f30: "Welcome to division by zero. This place is our home. We represent a group of scientists, hackers and other misfits."
- Handmade: Some kind of kooky software-is-art-but-modern-softward-sucks collective. Like Suckless without the teeth.
- BreadPunk: It's bread.